🆘Kidnapping v2

Documentation for Kidnapping v2

If you require assistance with the script, send me a direct message on the cfx forum or post your query in the forum thread.

Script Preview

Want to see how the script looks in action? Watch the short preview video. I've written a small script that allows me to use the /kidnap command, but typically you'd need to create your own integration or look for more infos here Integrations


TriggerClientEvent("", , )
Incorporate an NPC onto your map that players can interact with to facilitate the kidnapping of another individual.
Allow admins to troll their players by kidnapping them with a command.
Support for  is being added in the upcoming  1.1 update, which will be released soon.

This mechanics works as follows: Players can make use of a designated phone number established in the configuration file. Upon initiating a call, a player menu will appear, enabling the caller to pick an online player. Subsequently, the chosen player will be kidnapped and brought to the caller's location.


  1. Download the Script via Tebex

  2. Extract it to the resources folder on your server

  3. Edit the configs on your needs

  4. Run refresh and then start Kidnapping_v2 in your Live Console


Config = {}



Config = {}
Config.Vehicle = {
    ["driver"] = {
    ["passenger"] = {

Last updated